Event: CrossOver at EDMO Belux
On June 9th, the CrossOver project will present the results of its first investigation to the EDMO Belux network.
During this webinar on June 9, our project’s team will present the methodology and lessons learnt from the analysis of recommendation algorithms on YouTube against disinformation in Belgium through a network of “in-home” data scrapers.
Guillaume Kuster, CEO of CheckFirst, and Nelly Pailleux, CKO of CheckFirst will be presenting the outcomes of this study. There will be a Q&A session to answer all your questions.
An English version of the webinar which will take place from 2 to 3PM. Then, a session in French will take place from 3:15 to 4:15PM.
The European Digital Media and Disinformation Observatory in Belgium and Luxembourg, EDMO BeLux, is a cross-community, multilingual collaboration between Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, Mediawijs, EU Disinfolab, Agence France-Presse, RTL Luxembourg and Athens Technology Center. The team monitors disinformation in both countries. Find out more