How does the Apache team investigate the algorithms of social media
and which messages these algorithms push under our noses?
The CrossOver mini computers are connected to their host families in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels. The minicomputers should help Apache to map and analyze the algorithms of various social media.
For fifteen months, these devices will collect data about the messages that Belgian social media users see. Specifically, the computer will open web pages, collect the displayed data, store and analyze the data, without having access to the surfing data of their host or hostess.
The CrossOver mini computers have thus found a home with a dozen private individuals in Belgium. Why the spread? Because we want to find out any regional differences in collected data. In this way, we and our partners have more complete and accurate data.
You can also browse through the data from the minicomputers yourself.
Want to know more ? Here is what data is collected in the dashboards, what methods are used for data collection and how the data is presented in the dashboards.